
The iDOC 2019 International Design Out Crime and CPTED Event focuses on New Directions in CPTED and Night Time Economy CPTED.

There are many new changes to CPTED and Design Out Crime. These are driven by a large number of factors changingi n the world at large:

  • increased use of evidence on what works and what doesn't, where, when and why;
  • the extention of CPTED into new areas such as anti-terrorism, crowded places and event management;
  • New technologies transforming CPTED (e.g. face recognition, virtual following, 360deg 24/7 surveillance, biometric access control, drones...)
  • New thinking about CPTED in relation to health, gender, equity, control, economic development, legal liabilities...
  • Professionalisation of CPTED practices
  • New forms of CPTED training and certification
  • CPTED standards

Presentations will include: academic papers (peer-reviewed), 'Tales from the Field', and 'specialist topic' presentations. Presentations will be grouped under two tracks: 'New Directions in CPTED' and 'Night-time Economies' CPTED'.

Conference themes will include:

  • Use of evidence in CPTED
  • Night time economy CPTED (a major theme of this conference)
  • New technology CPTED (e.g. face recognition, virtual following, 360deg 24/7 surveillance, biometric access control, drones...)
  • Risk vs threat vs vulnerabilities vs guidelines in CPTED
  • Counter-terrorism and Crowded Places CPTED
  • Event CPTED
  • CPTED and gender
  • Social equity issues and CPTED
  • CPTED and health
  • CPTED and social control
  • CPTED and privacy
  • CPTED, young people and public space
  • Legal and financial liabilities from CPTED
  • CPTED and economic development
  • CPTED across the life of developments
  • Dark sides of CPTED (adverse consequences)
  • Occupational Health and Safety and CPTED
  • Professional CPTED practices
  • Training, certification and standards in CPTED


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The iDOC conference series is organised by the Design Out Crime and CPTED Centre (see www.designoutcrime.org)  in collaboration with partners and sponsors.